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Sisterhood Membership Celebration Dinner

Thursday, September 19, 2024 16 Elul 5784

6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Are you a paid up member of Sisterhood?

Then this is a Dinner for you! After a very brief opening meeting, share a delicious dinner, featuring a very special guest speaker, our very own Rabbi Jaech!  The subject will be "Behind the Scenes of our Rabbi".

Free of charge to all paid-up Sisterhood Members. 

Are you a new Temple member?  All new women of Temple Israel are AUTOMATICALLY complimentary members of Sisterhood the first year. So sign up now for the dinner!

For those who've been around longer but forgot to renew or join, there's still time!  Sign up here!

To keep admission free for the celebration dinner and interlude series, we thank you in advance for bringing appetizers and desserts. Find details and sign up slots at this potluck link

Deadline to RSVP:  midnight on September 13.

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Mon, September 16 2024 13 Elul 5784