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Green Light NY Project

Temple Israel Members To Lobby For Immigrant Justice Legislation

Temple Israel is working with the New York Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, RAC-NY, a network of over 30 congregations across the state, to support state legislation that is socially just and reflective of Jewish values.

Conversations by the RAC-NY planning team with 130 congregational leaders and the quickly moving dynamics in Albany suggested that RAC-NY make it's first campaign passage of legislation to enable undocumented New Yorkers to take the drivers tests for and obtain standard drivers’ licenses. This is one of the highest priorities for New York immigrant justice advocacy groups; it is a way to enable immigrants to drive legally to fulfill their needs – to schools, health facilities, and work -- sorely needed in the many areas of our state that lack public transportation.

Three fact sheets, produced by Green Light NY, one of the major immigrant justice advocacy groups, providing full information about the driver’s license legislation, the need for it, and it’s potential impacts are attached for your information: “Green Light NY: Driving Together,” “Green Light NY: Driving Together, Know the Facts,” and “The Drivers License and Privacy Act Factsheet, S01747/A03675."

As announced in the Temple Israel newsletter, a legislative breakfast will be held at temple on March 24th at which you will be able to hear our state legislators and learn about RAC-NY and The Drivers License and Privacy Act.

On April 8, members of congregations working with RAC-NY on supporting the drivers license for all NY'ers legislation, will gather for an advocacy day in Albany to connect with one another and lobby for passage of the Driver's License and Privacy Act. More to follow. Call Carolyn Kunin (914-271-8943) for more information and resources.

Tue, March 4 2025 4 Adar 5785