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shabbat hosts

Any groups meeting in Temple Israel in evening hours are required to designate a member to greet and open the door for participants.  Each week a Shabbat Host, listed here, will be assigned to greet congregants.


To ensure the safety of our congregation, exterior doors of the Temple will be locked at all times. If you need to leave the building and return, at anytime when the office is closed, please make sure you have arranged for someone to let you back in. We are committed to providing our congregants with a safe environment, and controlling access during prayer helps us achieve that goal.


  1. No parking or standing is permitted in the fire lanes marked in yellow alongside the building. 
  2. Handicapped parking is available in the upper lot. 
  3. For all large events, please consider parking in the lower lot if you are able to climb the stairs leaving the upper lot free for those who cannot manage the stairs comfortably.

Add Any/All Temple israel Calendars To Yours

If you would like to add a specific calendar (e.g. Sisterhood) or all Temple Israel Events to your personal calendar please view this link for instructions to add the Temple Israel Calendar.


Baby, it's cold outside and that means there is always a chance that classes, programs or worship services will need to be canceled due to inclement weather. You will be informed that the Temple is closing in the following ways:

  1. An announcement will be posted at the top of the Temple homepage (
  2. An email will be sent from Temple Israel/CJL.
  3. An announcement will be posted with the Storm Center sponsored by WHUD 100.7 FM.
  4. You will get a text message if you have opted in.  If you would like to opt in or are unsure if you have already opted in, please email Melanie Appelbaum.

CJL Dismissal Policy

All adults picking up students at CJL must park and enter the building to ensure safe departures.  Wednesday evenings students will be met by adults in the Oneg room.  Sunday mornings adults will meet student at their classrooms unless otherwise directed.

TEMPLE ISRAEL Event & Promotion Request

Please complete this form to reserve a space for an event and/or begin promotion for an event.


Tue, March 4 2025 4 Adar 5785