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family Learning & Ritual

Shabbat Blessings - Available for download and printing (includes blessing of the children)
Jewish Holidays - A quick summary of the holidays for the year ahead 
PJ Library - Book list of Jewish books for children, curated by the PJ Library
PJ Library Events - Find local Jewish children's events in the New York area 
URJ Families with Young Children - A single sheet with links to Jewish podcasts, music, holiday info and more

News & Info

Union of Reform Judaism - Reform Judaism is a leading voice in the discussion of Jewish life. Find information on Jewish rituals, culture, holidays, and more.
The Forward - News that matters to American Jews
Jewish Newspapers in the US 


What Jew Wanna Eat - Providing an answer to "What is Jewish food?" one recipe at a time
One Hungry Jew - A guide to some of the best Jewish food NYC offers
Poppy and Prune - Recipes that explore global Jewish food history and culture, from the biblical era to the present


Interfaith Articles - An ongoing collection of articles and features examining Interfaith life

camp life

URJ Camps - Programs endeavor to enrich and transform lives informed by the traditions and values of living Reform Judaism
10 Questions to Ask Your Returning Camper - Ways to smoothe out the 're-entry' period

Other Neat Jewish Stuff

Yiddish Slang Dictionary - All the coolest Yiddish words and phrases
2019 Jewish Film Festival - A list of Jewish themed must-sees from 2019's Jacob Burns Film Festival
Israel Blog - Former Temple Israel President, Andrew Blumberg, shares articles on Israel

Programs Run on Site at Temple israel

Childrenspace North - A warm, nurturing childcare for 0-3 year olds with early/late hours to assist working parents
Music Together - Music classes for 0-5 yr olds + caregivers. Sun-Wed Mornings, Tues Afternoons
FWD - An afterschool program that encourages social, emotional and academic growth for gifted students

Local croton area Information

Local Trail Map - Map of Croton area trails
Croton Restaurants - Yelp listings of local restaurants
Coffee Shop - The Black Cow

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785