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Sisterhood supports Temple Israel in its mission to support the spiritual and religious journey of our congregants and provide the foundation for building a better world through teaching and living our Jewish values.

This includes support for our Center for Jewish Learning including Rosh Hodesh It's a Girl Thing, yads for our seventh graders and the confirmation class trip to Washington, among other things. We also support our clergy and the Music Enrichment Fund. We also help the temple's Caring Committee in times of need.  


Sisterhood is running a drive for Open Door's BABY BUNDLE PROGRAM.

Every mother who gives birth at Open Door goes home with a bag filled with essential items to care for the new baby. 

Since Open Door is a family medical center that treats people regardless of their ability to pay, many new families are grateful for this bag.

In addition, there has been a wave of new immigrants to the area, increasing the need for Baby Bundle items.

If you are not comfortable donating online, please email and we will help you arrange with Open Door how to deliver your donation.



WE SUPPORT feeding westchester!

Respond to Food Insecurity in Our Westchester Community

Across America people are waiting for food. Job losses have been concentrated among low wage workers. The number of Americans living in poverty has grown by eight million since May, according to recent research" (The New York Times, 10/18/20, SR  p.9). Here in Westchester the level of food insecurity is staggering, with at least 60,000 hungry children. 

Sisterhood is holding a fundraising food drive for Feeding Westchester. Feeding Westchester provides 95% of the  urgently needed food directly to individuals and families and through local partners, such as food pantries, schools and senior centers. Every dollar donated provides four meals for Westchester children, families and individuals struggling with hunger. For more information on Feeding Westchester, visit their website:

You can help today! Either donate through the TINW Sisterhood by simply clicking here (we will forward to Feeding Westchester) or mail a check directly to Feeding Westchester at 200 Clearbrook Road, Elmsford, NY 10523. Make checks payable to Feeding Westchester.

Thank you - together we can make a difference!

TO HELP, BUY Supermarket gift cards!

Supermarket Gift Cards can be purchased in denominations of $25, $50 & $100.  This costs you nothing additional and helps to raise funds for Temple Israel's Sisterhood.  Cards are available for these local supermarkets:

  • Food Town
  • Stop & Shop
  • Shoprite
  • Acme

Contact Terri Ochs to set a time for card delivery within our area (Croton, Ossining, Cortlandt, Peekskill, Yorktown).

Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785