Join Us
welcome to our community!
Dear Prospective Member,
I am delighted that you are interested in becoming a member of our sacred community.
I know what it means to be a member here. Nearly twenty-five years ago, I joined Temple Israel after moving with my family from Washington State. Leaving my small synagogue in Olympia was hard because it had been my first introduction to Jewish community. I was not sure what to expect from Temple Israel. But from the moment I joined our temple, I felt at home.
Members warmly welcomed me and I quickly became involved in weekly Torah Study sessions led by the rabbi. With her support and encouragement, I enrolled in the adult B’nai Mitzvah class and taught in the religious school. The friendships I established during that time have supported and sustained me over the years. It was Temple Israel’s people who ultimately inspired me to apply to rabbinical school.
I remained a part of Temple Israel during my years in school, serving as student rabbi, and then as the assistant rabbi. Since 2006 I have been the rabbi here. Serving this sacred community is my passion. Every day I am privileged to help others grow in mind and spirit through the richness and wisdom of Judaism. Every day I see how our members care about each other, and how they strive to make a positive difference in our community and in the broader world. Temple Israel has been, for me, “the doorway to a richer and more meaningful life.”
It is my wish that our community become this doorway for you as well.
Rabbi Jennifer Jaech
More on Joining Us at Temple israel
Introduction Letter:
This letter from our President, Gerry Peet, takes you on a virtual tour of Temple Israel, by sharing informative links that walk you through our website.
Forms & Details:
These forms give you additional detail about the membership process and options.
Thu, January 30 2025
1 Sh'vat 5785
Temple israel Happenings
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 1 , 2025Brotherhood Comedy Night
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 1st 7:00pm to 11:00pm
Doors open at 7:00 PM Show starts at 8:00 PM Snacks, cash bar (beer & wine), of course, a gluttonous dessert buffet after the show! Pricing: $65 per person Invite friends and family and make it a great evening! -
Friday ,
FebFebruary 7 , 2025Shabbat Shabbang
Friday, Feb 7th 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Join our clergy for songs, music, crafts, challah, pizza, and yummy treats! We welcome families with children 7 and under (and their older siblings). Bring a friend to share in our Shabbat! -
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 9 , 2025Temple Tots
Sunday, Feb 9th 9:30am to 10:30am
Families with young children connect on Sunday mornings and Friday night dinners throughout the year (no membership is required!). All families with young children (ages 5 and younger) are encouraged to attend our interactive Jewish experiences. Older siblings and friends are welcome. -
Sunday ,
FebFebruary 9 , 2025Brotherhood Superbowl Party
Sunday, Feb 9th 5:30pm to 10:30pm
The Super Bowl Party is a great way to enjoy the football game with family and friends on a gigantic screen. We will have delicious snacks, appetizers, sandwiches, desserts and drinks to enjoy.
Friday Night
: 7:00pm |
Shabbat Day
: 9:30am |
: 10:30am |
: 7:00pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 1 |
Feb 1 |
Feb 2 |
Feb 7 |
Feb 7 |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat Bo
Shabbat, Feb 1 |
Tu BiSh'vat
Thursday, Feb 13 |