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Temple Israel Friends Grades 1 & 2 Program
The Friends of Temple Israel Grades 1 & 2 Program allows your family to participate in Temple Israel community life and enroll your child(ren) in our Center for Jewish Learning (CJL) with a reduced financial commitment, until your oldest child reaches 3rd grade. Simply use the CJL Registration Form to register your children. Contact Michelle Cohen, Temple Adminstrator to setup your account and receive your Temple login.
This program includes the age appropriate CJL fee +50% for each student each year without any other financial commitments. The additional 50% will be applied toward your Temple Israel Building Fund commitment should you decide to become Temple Israel members as your oldest child enters 3rd grade. If your family does not become a member at that time, the +50% is non-refundable.
Contact Rabbi Wendy Pein to learn more about the CJL experience or Michelle Cohen, our Temple Administrator, to discuss any other questions about finances or Temple life.
Tue, March 4 2025
4 Adar 5785
Temple israel Happenings
Thursday ,
MarMarch 6 , 2025Community Service Through Flowers
Thursday, Mar 6th 11:00am to 12:30pm
The program promotes a sense of peace and unity within our community and beyond through acts of loving kindness and social justice. Our goal is to bring joy into the lives of the elderly by creating floral arrangements which are distributed to local nursing homes and to build community among volunteers through this process. -
Sunday ,
MarMarch 9 , 2025Temple Tots
Sunday, Mar 9th 9:30am to 10:30am
Families with young children connect on Sunday mornings and Friday night dinners throughout the year (no membership is required!). All families with young children (ages 5 and younger) are encouraged to attend our interactive Jewish experiences. Older siblings and friends are welcome. -
Sunday ,
MarMarch 9 , 2025Hamantaschen Baking with Sisterhood
Sunday, Mar 9th 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Join Sisterhood on zoom to bake your own Hamantashen for Purim! We will share the recipe and Faith Kasanofsky will take us through the mixing and baking. All are welcome and no experience is necessary. -
Tuesday ,
MarMarch 11 , 2025Current Events
Tuesday, Mar 11th 10:30am to 12:00pm
On the second Tuesday of each month, from 10:30 -12:00, join us at the Temple for our lively discussion around issues of local, national and international news events. We cover everything from breaking news to issues around health and well being and more! If you can't come in person, contact Shari at sbaum@wjcs.com to receive a link to join us virtually.
Today's Calendar
: 7:30pm |
Friday Night
: 5:30pm |
: 7:00pm |
: 8:00pm |
Shabbat Day
: 9:30am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Mar 5 |
Mar 5 |
Mar 6 |
Mar 7 |
Mar 7 |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat T'tzaveh
Shabbat, Mar 8 |
Taanit Esther & Erev Purim
Thursday, Mar 13 |