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The Friends of Temple Israel Grades 1 & 2 Program allows your family to participate in Temple Israel community life and enroll your child(ren) in our Center for Jewish Learning (CJL) with a reduced financial commitment, until your oldest child reaches 3rd grade. Simply use the CJL Registration Form to register your children. Contact Michelle Cohen, Temple Adminstrator to setup your account and receive your Temple login. 

This program includes the age appropriate CJL fee +50% for each student each year without any other financial commitments.  The additional 50% will be applied toward your Temple Israel Building Fund commitment should you decide to become Temple Israel members as your oldest child enters 3rd grade.  If your family does not become a member at that time, the +50% is non-refundable. 

Contact Rabbi Wendy Pein to learn more about the CJL experience or Michelle Cohen, our Temple Administrator, to discuss any other questions about finances or Temple life.

Tue, March 4 2025 4 Adar 5785