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Blog Available on Substack
01/16/2021 07:50:51 PM
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We are trying something new for 2021! Please connect to our blog on Substack.com, where you can subscribe and have the blog automatically delivered to your inbox. You will also be able to post comments and continue the conversation, if you'd like.
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Read more...201. Justified Killing - January 9, 2021
01/09/2021 10:00:21 PM
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We don’t often talk about the fact that Moses, the prince of Egypt, the man that led the Israelites out of bondage, killed someone. In this week’s Torah portion we are told:
When Moses had grown up, he went out to his kinsfolk and witnessed their labors. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his kinsmen. He turn this way and that and, seeing no one about, he struck down the Egyptian and hid him in...Read more...
200. Interfaith Marriage – Part 2 - January 2, 2021
01/02/2021 03:33:28 PM
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Happy New Year and we are delighted to announce that this is the 200th episode of the Temple Israel of Northern Westchester Torah Study blog!
Two weeks ago, Rabbi Jaech focused on the part of the Joseph story from the book of Genesis where Joseph gets a wife. As you may recall, Joseph was the 11th son of our patriarch Jacob. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers and went to live in Egypt where, through a series of events, he...Read more...
199. Interfaith Marriage - December 19, 2020
12/19/2020 06:25:27 PM
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Before we can jump into Rabbi Jaech’s Torah Study session for today, let’s review what we know about Joseph. The story of Joseph can be found in the book of Genesis and, at thirteen chapters long, is the most coherent narrative in the Torah.
Joseph was the first-born to Jacob’s favorite wife, Rachel, and Jacob favored Joseph over his brothers. In addition to having the status of “pet” child, Joseph had an ability to...Read more...
198. Jewish Evergreen - December 12, 2020
12/12/2020 01:52:09 PM
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The traditional story of Hanukkah is that in 167 BCE the Greeks, who were in control of Judea, wanted to eliminate all vestiges of Jewish culture and have the community fully adopt the Greek culture; in what we now call Hellenization. As part of the Greek effort, the Temple in Jerusalem was desecrated and made over into a temple to worship a Greek god. A group of Jews, called the Maccabees, fought against any potential loss of Jewish culture....Read more...
197. Wrestling - December 5, 2020
12/06/2020 03:09:44 PM
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In last week’s Torah portion, we learned that Jacob left his home. Although our scholar-in-residence, David Sperling, pointed out two different reasons why Jacob might have left (because he was in fear for his life, or because he wanted to find a wife) we will go with the more common version that Jacob was in fear for his life. Jacob had tricked his older brother, Esau, twice, and Esau vowed to kill Jacob.
Jacob traveled to the land...
196. Contradictions - November 28, 2020
11/28/2020 08:56:15 PM
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The Bible contains stories that were written over a period of at least 800 years. Close study of the Bible will often reveal inconsistencies, or downright contradictions. For example, Genesis 1 states that God created vegetation on earth on the 3rd day, and He created man on the 6th day. But Genesis 2 states that God made man and woman before he made grasses of the field, because, if he made the grasses first there would be no one to work the...Read more...
195. Storytellers - November 21, 2020
11/21/2020 08:46:10 PM
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Regular attendees of Torah Study have become accustomed to encountering troubling tales in the Bible. Frequently, the Bible stories we’ve been told have been subject to editing, so that we get a cleaned-up version of the longer story. The fact is that the Bible contains adult stories that are complicated, and sometimes disturbing.
This week’s Torah portion contains the third telling of a salacious tale in the book of Genesis....Read more...
194. Tribalism - November 14, 2020
11/14/2020 08:23:43 PM
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Torah Study this week was led by Rabbi Janet Roberts
This week’s Torah portion is called, in English, the Life of Sarah. Ironically, the first thing that happens in the portion is that Sarah dies. Several chapters earlier and with guidance from God, Abraham and Sarah left their ancestral home on a journey. Along the way, Abraham’s savvy dealings with kings and military successes enabled him to accumulate wealth. The Torah portion...Read more...
193. Sins of Sodom - November 7, 2020
11/07/2020 05:49:03 PM
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This week’s Torah portion includes the tale of the destruction of the evil city of Sodom. We are never told exactly what the sins are, but the city of Sodom, and her sister city, Gomorrah, are referenced multiple times in our sacred texts as examples of wickedness and depravity.
In Genesis 18, God tells Abraham that, “The outrage of Sodom and Gomorra is so great and their sin so grave!” God has decided to send two angels to...Read more...
192. Melchizedek - October 31, 2020
10/31/2020 03:28:17 PM
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This week’s Torah portion has a passage that feels as if it is an interpolation, which is something that reads as if it was embedded at a later date. The story is one of the early passages about our patriarch, Abraham. Although he is still named Abram at this point in the narrative, we will refer to him here as Abraham, because that is the name with which most of us are familiar.
The passage is from Genesis 14 and it gives us a...Read more...
191. Noahide Laws, October 24, 2020
10/24/2020 02:09:18 PM
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Most of us are familiar with the Ten Commandments. And many of us may be aware that Jewish tradition teaches that there are 613 commandments in the Torah that Jewish people are obligated to live by.
Using biblical literalist chronology, which uses genealogies and timespans of biblical events to calculate dates corresponding to the modern civil calendar, the Ten Commandments were given to Abraham sometime around the 18th century BCE....Read more...
190. Where’s Moses? - October 10, 2020
10/10/2020 06:04:37 PM
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The Jewish holiday season comes to a close this weekend with the holiday of Simchat Torah, or the “Rejoicing of the Torah.” In pre-covid times, at Temple Israel we would unfurl the entire Torah scroll so that the congregation can see it all – Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy – and celebrate this millennium-old document. A Torah reader would chant the final words of Deuteronomy and then, immediately, begin reading...Read more...
189. Changing Traditions - October 3, 2020
10/04/2020 04:13:48 PM
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High Holiday services were very different this year. In prior years, some of us would have attended services in person where we might shake hands with, or hug, our friends. We would sit together closely and sing meaningfully.
This year has required changes to the standard format of High Holiday services. Change is often hard for people, but human beings are inherently creative – when we are handed lemons, we make lemonade! Software...Read more...
188. Looking to the Future - September 26, 2020
09/26/2020 03:17:47 PM
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The Bible tells us that, with the help of God, Moses overcame great odds to free the Israelites from bondage to the Egyptians; then he lead the people on travels of great distances, while having to quell uprisings among his easily disgruntled followers; and, finally, Moses led the people to the Promised Land.
It would be reasonable to expect that, after all this hard work, Moses would be able to rest on his laurels and enjoy his final...Read more...
187. God Weeps - September 12, 2020
09/12/2020 02:46:36 PM
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Throughout history there have been times of despair, or sadness, or loss, or social upheaval. With a pandemic impacting the entire world and close to 200,000 people dead from it in the US, and social injustice being played out on camera, and riots in the streets, and fires on the West Coast, people may find themselves asking, as we head toward the High Holidays, “How can I find meaning in my prayers?” Or, “How can I find God in my...Read more...
186. Learning From a Heretic - September 5, 2020
09/05/2020 06:11:04 PM
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With the High Holidays upon us, this is the time of year when many Jews take time to think about sin, atonement and repentance. Last week we discussed the ancient scholar Elisha ben Abuyah, a man born sometime before 70 C.E. Elisha was a revered scholar who fell off the path of righteousness when he chose to stop following the Torah commandments. And, he did not seek atonement for this transgression.
Even though Elisha was a heretic,...
185. The Mitzvah Payoff - August 29, 2020
08/29/2020 04:12:16 PM
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It is a Jewish-cultural norm that that when you do something nice for someone, it’s called a “mitzvah.” But, technically, a “mitzvah” is a commandment; not just something you do because you are a nice person. According to the Talmud, there are 613 commandments in the Bible.
One of the commandments from this week’s Torah portion states, “If, along the road, you chance upon a bird’s nest, in any tree or on the ground,...Read more...
184. Death of the High Priest - August 22, 2020
08/23/2020 10:53:14 AM
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According to biblical legend, the first homicide of mankind happened in just the first generation after Adam and Eve. The story tells us that, because of jealousy, Cain killed his brother Abel. And God told Cain, “your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground” (Genesis 4:10).
There is a notion that bloodguilt pollutes the land. In 2 Samuel we are told about a time when there was a 3-year famine in the land. David asked...Read more...
Political Tensions - JUne 27, 2020
06/27/2020 03:27:22 PM
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The Twelve Tribes of Israel are said to be descended from the twelve sons of Jacob. Each of the Twelve Tribes were assigned land, with the exception of the tribe of Levi. Those descendants, known as Levites, became the priests of all the Israelites, and the other tribes were expected to support them. Although all priest were Levites, not all Levites were priests. The priests were a subset of the Levites who had sacred responsibilities that...Read more...
Preconceived Notions - June 20, 2020
06/20/2020 03:17:20 PM
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This week’s Torah portion begins with the story of the twelve spies, which can be found in the book of Numbers. To summarize, the Israelites were encamped in the wilderness, somewhere near Canaan. Moses was instructed by God to send twelve men on a reconnaissance mission to, “see what kind of country it is. Are the people who dwell in it strong or weak, few or many? Is the country in which they dwell good or bad? Are the towns they live...Read more...
Bitter Water - JUne 6, 2020
06/06/2020 04:46:45 PM
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In biblical times, adultery was a capital crime. However, adultery in biblical times did not mean the same thing we think about today. In biblical times, women were the property of men. When a daughter was born, she was the property of her father (who would have been in his right to sell her into slavery - Exodus 21:7). When she married, she became the property of her husband.
Adultery in biblical times meant that an owned woman had...Read more...
The Commandments - May 30, 2020
05/30/2020 04:29:27 PM
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The Jewish holiday of Shavuot was celebrated this past week at Temple Israel with an informative discussion led by our scholar-in-residence, Professor David Sperling. The holiday is celebrated on the 6th day of the Hebrew month of Sivan, and it marks the anniversary of when God gave the Torah to the Israelites. Some traditional Jews may choose to mark the holiday by eating dairy foods and staying up all night long to study the Torah. Although...Read more...
Obligations of the First-Born - May 23, 2020
05/23/2020 04:43:39 PM
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During Shabbat services in traditional Jewish communities, it is the norm that a Kohen be called upon to recite the blessing for the first aliyah and then a Levi for the second aliyah. In traditional communities, this privilege recognizes the claim of the Kohens and Levites that they are descendants of the priestly class of ancient Israelites and, somehow, elevated over the general Israelite population. The Reform movement did away with...Read more...
Breaking Bread - May 16, 2020
05/16/2020 03:07:17 PM
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We are living in a time of general anxiety, and one of the concerns potentially increasing our anxiety is news reports about disruptions to our food supply. Rabbi Roberts noted that many religious traditions include stories about food, two of which we looked at last month when Rabbi Roberts led our group. In 1 Kings 17 we are told that during one famine in Samaria, God arranged for ravens to bring bread and meat to the prophet Elijah daily so...Read more...
Azazel - May 9, 2020
05/09/2020 04:48:37 PM
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The holiday of Yom Kippur is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, and it is the time to reflect on your actions and to atone for your sins. Jewish leaders may encourage you to seek out those individuals you knowingly hurt and apologize to them before Yom Kippur. This tradition cannot be found in the Bible; it is a rabbinic innovation. The writers of the Bible were not concerned about individual sinning and they did not have the concept...Read more...
Importance of Ritual - May 2, 2020
05/02/2020 03:11:12 PM
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The current pandemic has caused Rabbi Jaech to ponder social isolation from community and, specifically, to look at how people suffering from leprosy were isolated from their communities in biblical times. As a reminder, biblical leprosy is not the Hansen’s Disease that we know about today, but it is any type of white, scaly skin infliction. This infliction might have been short-lived or life-lasting. In biblical times, people believed that...Read more...
Elisha - April 25, 2020
04/25/2020 04:09:48 PM
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When there is a change in leadership, a common idiom used is that the new person has “inherited the mantle,” or “assumed the mantle,” or “picked up the mantle.” A “mantle” is an article of clothing, like a cloak. This idiom has its origins in the biblical book of Kings.
Last week Rabbi Roberts led us in an introduction to the prophet Elijah. This week Rabbi Jaech introduced us to the prophet Elisha. Elisha was a...Read more...
Elijah - April 18, 2020
04/18/2020 07:51:26 PM
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During the Passover Seder, many of us fill a glass of wine for Elijah and we open the door as an invitation to Elijah. The arrival of Elijah, according to a tradition passed down through the rabbis, but not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, heralds the arrival of the Messiah and a time when peace and freedom will reign for all.
Rabbi Janet Roberts led our group this week in a discussion about Elijah. We first meet Elijah in the book of...Read more...
Healing Acts - March 28, 2020
03/29/2020 09:11:44 AM
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There have always been times of economic and social instability. In biblical times, the people might have looked to supernatural forces to find deliverance from their woes. Many of us living in the United States today have been fortunate to live during a time of wealth and safety, and we generally think that we have a greater understanding of science giving us greater sense of control over our circumstances. But the pandemic afflicting the...Read more...
Sun, February 23 2025
25 Sh'vat 5785
Temple israel Happenings
Sunday ,
MarMarch 2 , 2025Book Discussion with Rabbi Shai Held
Sunday, Mar 2nd 10:00am to 11:00am
Rabbi Shai Held-- philosopher, theologian, and Bible scholar, President and Dean at the Hadar Institute will speak about his new book, "Judaism is Love" -
Monday ,
MarMarch 3 , 2025Sisterhood Book Group "Lily's Promise"
Monday, Mar 3rd 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Lily's Promise by Lily Ebert and Dov Forman. It is a life affirming memoir of a Holocaust survivor and a tale of resilience and resistance. -
Thursday ,
MarMarch 6 , 2025Community Service Through Flowers
Thursday, Mar 6th 11:00am to 12:30pm
The program promotes a sense of peace and unity within our community and beyond through acts of loving kindness and social justice. Our goal is to bring joy into the lives of the elderly by creating floral arrangements which are distributed to local nursing homes and to build community among volunteers through this process. -
Sunday ,
MarMarch 9 , 2025Temple Tots
Sunday, Mar 9th 9:30am to 10:30am
Families with young children connect on Sunday mornings and Friday night dinners throughout the year (no membership is required!). All families with young children (ages 5 and younger) are encouraged to attend our interactive Jewish experiences. Older siblings and friends are welcome.
Friday Night
: 7:00pm |
Shabbat Day
: 9:30am |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Feb 27 |
Mar 2 |
Mar 2 |
Mar 3 |
Mar 5 |
This week's Torah portion is Parashat T'rumah
Shabbat, Mar 1 |
Taanit Esther & Erev Purim
Thursday, Mar 13 |